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Tuition and Attend

As a community of children and families, consistency is key to everyone's success. We would like children enrolled in our school attend a minimum of 4 days per week. However, we are very flexible and are open to different schedule options with the hopes of having the flexibility to meet the needs of the families in our community.

Families may choose to pay yearly (1% discount) or monthly (payment on the first of the month) with the grace period of 10 days. After day 10th a $25 late fee will be charged.

Families with two or more attending children in our school receive a 5% discount on total tuition.

Tuition is not prorated for school closures, inclement weather, power outages, or a child's absence.

We are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and we offer different schedule options which can be found on our Tuition PDF below. ​

New Enrollment: At the time of enrollment you will submit all signed forms with $150.00 ($75 enrollment fee, $50 material fee and $25 emergency fee).

Re-enrollment fee of $50 applies each Spring when re-enrollment paperwork is due. There is a material fee of $50 that applies each September for the new school year

When you need to dis-enroll from our school, you must give notice at least 90 days before your child’s last day.

Tuitions and other fees could change with previous notification to all families.

Tuition 2023-2024

Tuition 2024-2025

2024 by Parkrose Montessori School

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Parkrose Montessori School has 5 star in Oregon's
Quality Recognition & improvement System.

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